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第九届香港国际钢琴邀请赛 | 赛事章程

字号: 2018-10-30 14:18 来源:头条新闻网


協辦單位:廣州唐音文化 天津佳韵文化传媒有限公司(天津赛区)

Organizer: Asia Musicians Association

Co-Sponsor:Guangzhou Tang Yin Arts






As major events sponsored byAsia Musicians Association, the annual Hong Kong International Piano Invitation Competition, Hong Kong International Violin CompetitionandHong Kong InternationalChamber Music Competitionhavebecome the most important art events for youth in Asia. Each year we invite well-known concert performers and educators from Europe, America,Singapore,Korea,Russia,Mainland China,Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau to be our judges, and offer the players from all over the world an opportunity to learn from each other and a stage to show themselves. By announcing the results and issuing the bonuses and certificates locus in quo, our fairness has won the appreciation from all people. At the same time we also have an advantagethat for every competition we invite well-known composers to create newworks as part of the competitionrepertories,which increases its authority. Through our competition, manyyoung players have enteredtheir ideal colleges and universities, or moved toward higher music stages. Suchfavorable social effect inspires us to carry on the event with greatest enthusiasm.

Thank you for your participation and support!Gene Woo Lee

Honor Chairman of AMA, Korea








Artistic Director of Competition Committee




International Renowned Piano Master, Gold Medal Winner at the 11th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition

所獲獎項 Awards:

第11屆範·克來本國際鋼琴比賽 冠軍

The 11th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Gold Medal

第12屆新奧爾良國際鋼琴比賽 冠軍

The 12th New Orleans International Piano Competition First Prize

第9屆義大利坎圖國際鋼琴比賽 特等獎

The 9th Cittadi Cantu International Competition Grand Prize

第48屆懷德曼國際鋼琴比賽 冠軍

The 48th Wideman Piano Competition First Prize

1994年卡佩爾國際鋼琴比賽 亞軍

1994 Kapell International Piano Competition Second Prize

第43屆布索尼國際鋼琴比賽 季軍

The 43th Busoni International Piano Competition Third Prize

1990年瑪利亞·卡拉斯國際鋼琴比賽 亞軍

1990 Maria Callas International Piano Competitions Second Prize

決賽評委團成員Final Round Jury Panel

阿蘭·勒皮雄 (法國):


Alain Le Pichon(France):Famous pianist, educator, writer, scholar. He graduated from Paris and Oxford University. He was a professor of Sorbonne, schoolmaster of Eton, banker in London and New York, entrepreneur in Hong Kong. He gave many concerts and made several records.

內德·柯克 (美國):國際著名鋼琴家、美國華盛頓大學博士、美國明尼蘇達貝多芬藝術節藝術總監、明尼蘇達聖瑪麗大學音樂系主任,GMT音樂等級考試委員會考務總監。

Ned Kirk (USA): Renowned pianist, Ph.D of University of Washington, Artistic and Managing Director of The Minnesota Beethoven Festival, Chair of the Music Department at Saint Mary's University in Winona, Minnesota,Director of Graded Music Test Committee.

李廷強 (香港):著名鋼琴家、施坦威藝術家、香港浸會大學音樂藝術系、香港中文大學音樂系及伯樂音樂學院(香港)古典音樂演奏系鋼琴導師。

Norman Lee (Hong Kong):Renowned pianist, Steinway Artist, Piano Instructor at Department of Music of Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Music of Hong Kong Chinese University and Classic Music Performance Division of Baron School of Music (Hong Kong).

張 鵬 (香港):美國紐約大學鋼琴演奏哲學博士、茱麗亞音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士、新英格蘭音樂學院鋼琴演奏學士。曾擔任茱麗亞音樂學院Teaching Fellow及紐約大學兼任講師, 亦為美國Pi Kappa Lambda 榮譽音樂學會會員。現任教於香港浸會大學音樂藝術系及香港中文大學音樂系鋼琴導師。

Pang Cheung(Hong Kong):Dr. Cheung received the following degrees in piano performance - Ph.D from New York University, M.M. from The Juilliard School

and B.M. from New England Conservatory. She was a Teaching Fellow at The Juilliard School and an Adjunct Instructor at New York University. She is a member of Pi Kappa Lambda (U.S. music honor society). Currently, she teaches at Hong Kong Baptist University and The Chinese University School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

裴玉樹 (香港)美國北德克薩斯大學音樂藝術(鋼琴演奏)博士,師從世界鋼琴大師班努維茨。現任教於香港教育大學。

Yushu Pei(Hong Kong) Dr. Pei Yushu received his Doctor of Musical Arts (in Piano Performance) degree from the University of North Texas, where he studied with the world-renowned pianist Joseph Banowetz. Dr. Pei currently teaches piano at The Education University of Hong Kong.

任達敏 (中國):著名音樂理論家,作曲家,星海音樂學院教授。中央音樂學院、中國音樂學院、上海音樂學院等多所院校的客座教授。其音樂作品曾獲得重要國際音樂比賽的傑出作品獎。

Damin Ren(China):Famous composer and theorist, Professor of Xinghai Conservatory of Music, China. He is many conservatories’ visiting professor, such as Central Conservatory, China Conservatory, Shanghai Conservatory. His music work won Award of Outstanding Composition in important international music competition.

顏名秀 (臺灣):知名作曲家與鋼琴家,於密歇根大學獲得作曲博士及作曲與鋼琴演奏雙碩士。現任國立臺北藝術大學副教授,曾獲入野義朗紀念獎與葛利格青年藝術家比賽等國際大獎。

Ming-Hsiu Yen(Taiwan):Renowned composer and pianist. She received DMA degree in Composition and MM degrees in Composition and Piano Performance from the University of Michigan, and is currently Associate Professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts. She was awarded international prizes, including the Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize and the Grieg Festival Young Artists Competition.

蘇顯亮 (美國): 國際著名鋼琴演奏家,活躍演出於世界各地。現任亞洲日本鋼琴城首席顧問,西班牙巴賽隆納音樂節課程總監,中國廣西大學榮譽教授。曾執教於香港大學及英國京士墩大學。現為義大利著名三角琴法吉奧理 (Fazioli)的榮譽藝術家。

Sui Ming Chu(Hong Kong):Concert pianist, certified Dalcroze Eurhythmics teacher. Graduated from London's Guildhall School of Music and Haute Ecole Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale: Institut Jacques Dalcroze, Geneva. She has taught in HKAPA and now teaches in Shanghai Orchestra Academy. Shealso founded the HK Dalcroze Center.

劉雲天 (中國):著名青年鋼琴家,旅美碩士,星海音樂學院鋼琴系教師。中國金鐘獎有史以來最年輕的金獎得主。獲得“霍洛維茨國際鋼琴大賽”最高榮譽的中國選手,也是第三位載入比利時伊莉莎白皇后國際鋼琴比賽史冊的中國鋼琴家。

Liu Yuntian(China): famous youth pianist. He studied in the U.S. and received his master degree there, now teaches at Xinghai Conservatory of Music. Being as the youngest pianist, he won the first prize of Gold-bell Award in China. He also won the highest honor in the International Vladimir Horowitz International Piano Competition and Queen Elizabeth International Piano Competition.

Maria Jee (韓國):美國、香港和韓國都享譽盛名的鋼琴家,曾在三藩市音樂學院擔任室內樂藝術家和協奏鋼琴家。現為香港演藝學院鋼琴家。

Maria Jee (Korea): Renowned pianist in Korea、United States and Hong Kong, Chamber Music and Collaborative Pianist at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Pianist at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art.

陳家尉 (香港):香港浸會大學音樂系講師。美國密歇根州立大學音樂藝術(鋼琴)博士。曾經在美國及香港的多所大學從事音樂教學。屢獲鋼琴比賽獎項,並多次在美國、義大利、奧地利等地演奏。

Kawai Chan(Hong Kong):Lecturer in Music at Hong Kong Baptist University.Doctor of Musical Arts(Piano)of Michigan State University.Kawai has taught in different universities in the United States and Hong Kong and won many competition prizes.She had given performances throughout the United States,Italy,Austria.

黃穎瀛 (香港):著名鋼琴家,伯樂音樂學院(香港)古典音樂演奏系鋼琴導師。曾經以全額獎學金入讀世界著名的新英格蘭音樂學院和茱莉亞音樂學院,並先後取得音樂學士與碩士學位。黃穎瀛曾在美國紐約的“五城市音樂與藝術基金會”鋼琴比賽中獲獎,並曾在美國多個著名的音樂廳演出,其中包括在紐約的林肯中心。

Genevieve Wong(Hong Kong): Renowned pianist, Piano Instructor at Classic Music Performance Division of Baron School of Music (Hong Kong). She studied at New England Conservatory of Music where she got her Bachelor Degree and then studied at The Juilliard School where Master Degree. She won the award in the Five Towns Music and Art Foundation in USA, and performed in many American concert halls including Lincoln Center in New York.

龍綺欣 (澳門):澳門室內樂協會理事、澳門樂團客席鋼琴家。香港中文大學音樂(哲學)碩士,倫敦聖三一音樂學院及英國皇家音樂學院演奏院士。現任教於香港演藝學院及香港國際音樂學校。

Cecilia Long (Macao) :Mphil, B(MUS), FRSM, FTCL, Director of Macau Chamber Music Association, guest pianist of the Macao Orchestra, lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong International Institute of Music.

徐惟恩 (臺灣):著名鋼琴家、指揮家和作曲家。紐約口袋歌劇團創始人和音樂總監,大都市國際音樂節的執行總監,香港演藝學院講師。

Wei-En Hsu (Taiwan):Famous Pianist , Conductor and Composer. He is the Founder/Music Director for Pocket Opera of New York, and the Executive Director for Metropolitan International Music Festival. Lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

朱穗明 (香港):鋼琴演奏家, 香港首位達尔克羅士音感舞動專家。畢業於英國倫敦橋凱音樂學院及瑞士日內瓦達克羅士學院。曾任教於香港演藝學院,現仼教於上海乐队學院,同时为香港達克羅士音樂中⼼㙯術總監。

Sui Ming Chu(Hong Kong):Concert pianist, certified Dalcroze Eurhythmics teacher. Graduated from London's Guildhall School of Music and Haute Ecole Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale: Institut Jacques Dalcroze, Geneva. She has taught in HKAPA and now teaches in Shanghai Orchestra Academy. Shealso founded the HK Dalcroze Center.

黃乃威 (香港):著名青年鋼琴家,香港演藝學院獲得(鋼琴)碩士學位,現任香港演藝學院青少年課程導師。曾經多次舉辦獨奏音樂會並且和香港多個樂團合作在多地演奏協奏曲。此外,他很善於鋼琴即興演奏。

Naiwei Huang(Hong Kong):Emerging pianist, Master in Piano at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts(HKAPA),Huang currently a piano collaboration tutor at HKAPA. He held recitals,

and as soloist, he collaborated withseveral Hong Kong orchestras. He is also good at piano improvisation.

Matthew Tommasini (美国):美國密歇根大學作曲博士與作曲碩士學位,洛杉磯加利福尼亞大學學士學位,Tommasini 目前於香港科技大學擔任人文實踐副教授,統籌人文社會科學學院藝術創意計畫。曾獲美國藝術暨文學學會的查理斯.艾伍士獎學金及ASCAP/CBDNA的弗雷德裏克.芬奈爾獎等大獎。

Matthew Tommasini (USA) :has been awarded top prizes including the Charles Ives Scholarship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the ASCAP/CBDNA Frederick Fennell Prize. Mr. Tommasini holds degrees in composition from the University of Michigan (DMA, MA) and UCLA (BA) . He is Associate Professor of Humanities Practice in Music Education at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where he coordinates the School of Humanities and Social Science creative arts initiatives.


任達敏 , 傑出音樂理論家、作曲家和音樂文獻翻譯家。現任星海音樂學院作曲教授,音樂研究所所長。中央音樂學院、中國音樂學院、上海音樂學院、武漢音樂學院的客座教授。出版著作、譯著、工具書和曲集十餘部。代表作包括器樂作品《山歌·為小提琴和鋼琴而作》、《幻想曲·八重奏》(韓國委約作品)、《南粵隨想曲·為大提琴和鋼琴而作》(2013年勛菲爾德國際弦樂大賽委約作品並獲得“傑出作品獎”),專著《流行音樂與爵士樂和聲學》和《基本樂理》,譯著《新格羅夫爵士樂詞典》和《劍橋西方音樂理論發展史》(獲得第九屆中國音樂金鐘獎理論評論獎比賽優秀獎)等。

Composer of Turtledove Tone etc.

Damin Ren, famous composer and theorist, Professor of Composition & Music Theory, Director of Music Research Institute at Xinghai Conservatory of Music in China. He is many conservatories’ visiting professor, such as Central Conservatory, China Conservatory, Shanghai Conservatory and Wuhan Conservatory. His magnum opuses include chamber music Mountain-song for Violin and Piano,Fantasia—Octet and Cantonese Capriccio for Cello & Piano (commissioned by the Schoenfeld International String Competition 2013 and won Award of Outstanding Composition); monograph Harmony of Pop & Jazz, Fundamental Music Theory; translations The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz and The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory.

參賽組別及曲目要求 Classes and Repertoires


If not specified, the same as the preliminary round and the final round requirements,All contestants need play from memory(Except for Four-Hands Classes)




Class No.1

Professional Classes

專業最高組 (18-35周歲)

Top Class Aged 18 to 35


Contestants must perform all of the designated repertoires

初賽 Preliminary Round(時間限制10分鐘內)

(The program is to be completed within 10 minutes)


Any one etude and allegro movement of any classical sonata(without repeat)

決賽 Final Round(時間限制20分鐘內)

(The program is to be completed within 20 minutes)


One etude by any of following composers:Chopin,Liszt,Rachmaninov,Debussy,Scriabin,Alkan,Prokofiev,Stravinsky,Ligeti


One Prelude and Fugue from" Well Tempered Clavier" by Bach


One of the following four commissioned works(arranged by Damin Ren )should be chosen.

《斑鳩調》"Turtledove Tone"


《刨洋芋》"Digging Potato"



One composition of the candidate's choice

專業少年組 (18周歲以下)

Junior Professional Class Aged 18 or below


Contestants must perform all of the designated repertoires

初賽 Preliminary Round(時間限制8分鐘內)

The program is to be completed within 8 minutes


Any one etude and any one repertoire

決賽 Final Round(時間限制15分鐘內)

The program is to be completed within 15 minutes


Bach Any One “Well Tempered Clavier” Prelude and Fugue or any one “Three Part Inventions”;


Allegro movement of any classical sonata(without repeat)


One of the following four commissioned works(arranged by Damin Ren)should be chosen.

《斑鳩調》"Turtledove Tone"


《刨洋芋》"Digging Potato"


上述特约作品下載请联系赛事微信或邮箱(Contact our Email or Wechat to download music score)



Class No.2

Open Class

青 年組 (19-35周歲)

Youth Class (Aged 19 to 35)


Any repertoire within 6 minutes

少年組C (16-18周歲)

Junior C Class (Aged 16 to 18)


Any repertoire within 6 minutes

少年組B (14-15周歲)

Junior B Class (Aged 14 to 15)


Any repertoire within 5 minutes

少年組A (12-13周歲)

Junior A Class (Aged 12 to 13)


Any repertoire within 5 minutes

兒童組E (11周歲)

Children E Class (Aged 11)


Any repertoire within 4 minutes

兒童組D (10周歲)

Children D Class (Aged 10)


Any repertoire within 4 minutes

兒童組C (9周歲)

Children C Class (Aged 9)


Any repertoire within 4 minutes

兒童組B (8周歲)

Children B Class (Aged 8 )


Any repertoire within 4 minutes

兒童組A (7周歲)

Children A Class (Aged 7)


Any repertoire within 3 minutes

幼童組B (6周歲)

Preschooler B Class (Aged 6)


Any repertoire within 3 minutes

幼童組A (6周歲以下)

Preschooler A Class (Aged 6 or below)


Any repertoire within 3 minutes



Class No.3

Four-Hands Classes


Four-Hands Preliminary Class


All contestants aged 10 or below


Any repertoire within 5 minutes


Four-Hands Vantage Class


All contestants aged 16 or below


Any repertoire within 6 minutes


Four-Hands Advanced Class


All contestants aged 25 or below


Any repertoire within 8 minutes



Class No.4

Etude Class

車爾尼299組 Czerny Op.299 Class

車爾尼作品299之任意一首, 時間限4分鐘內

Any one of " The School of Velocity Op. 299 " ,within 4 minutes

車爾尼740組 Czerny Op. 740 Class

車爾尼作品740之任意一首, 時間限5分鐘內

Any one of " The Art of Finger Dexterity Op. 740 " ,within 5 minutes

肖邦練習曲組 Chopin Etude Class

肖邦練習曲之任意一首, 時間限6分鐘內

Any one of Chopin Etude within 6 minutes



Class No.5

Sonatina Class


Any first movement of classical sonatina within 4 minutes



Class No.6

Classical Sonata Class

任何古典時期奏鳴曲快板/急板樂章一首, 時間限5分鐘內(不需反復)

An Allegro/Presto movement of any classical sonata ( within 5 minutes)



Class No.7

Chinese Works Class

中國作品組A (6-9周歲)

Chinese Works A Class(Aged 6 to 9)

● 任選中國作品一首,時間限制3分鐘內

Any one of Chinese works,within 3 minutes

中國作品組B (10-13周歲)

Chinese Works B Class(Aged 10 to 13)

● 任選中國作品一首,時間限制4分鐘內

Any one of Chinese works,within 4 minutes

中國作品組C (14-18周歲)

Chinese Works C Class(Aged 14 to 18)

● 任選中國作品一首,時間限制5分鐘內

Any one of Chinese works,within 5 minutes

中國作品組D (19-28周歲)

Chinese Works D Class(Aged 19 to 28)

● 任選中國作品一首,時間限制5分鐘內

Any one of Chinese works,within 5 minutes



Class No.8

GMT Performance Class


GMT Performance A Class

● 任選GMT考級教材(3-5級)一首, 時間限4分鐘內

One works of Graded Music Test Textbook(Grade 3-5)( within 4 minutes)


GMT Performance B Class

● 任選GMT考級教材(6-8級)一首, 時間限5分鐘內

One works of Graded Music Test Textbook(Grade 6-8)( within 5 minutes)



Class No.9

Chinese Music GradingTest Class


Chinese Music Grading Test A Class

● 任選中國音樂考級教材(3-4級)一首, 時間限4分鐘內

One work of Chinese Music Grading Test Textbook(Grade 3-4)( within 4 minutes)


Chinese Music Grading Test B Class

● 任選中國音樂考級教材(5-6級)一首, 時間限4分鐘內

One work of Chinese Music Grading Test Textbook(Grade 5-6)( within 4 minutes)


Chinese Music Grading Test C Class

● 任選中國音樂考級教材(7-8級)一首, 時間限5分鐘內

One work of Chinese Music Grading Test Textbook(Grade 7-8)( within 5 minutes)


Chinese Music Grading Test D Class

● 任選中國音樂考級教材(9-10級)一首, 時間限5分鐘內

One work of Chinese Music Grading Test Textbook(Grade 9-10)( within 5 minutes)



Class No.10

American College Audition Group



One work of Bach Well Tempered Clavier or Twentieth Century or Romantic Style


Optional one of Beethoven, Mozart or Haydn classical sonata first movement




For all contestants (Including Professional Classes)

1. 參賽者須按照各組別要求規定進行報名。

Contestants should entry according to their class’s prescription.

2. 所有已列明年齡限制之組別,參賽者必須在報名時提交有效身份證明檔或護照的影印件。

In all classes where an age limit is stated, contestants are requested to submit their I.D./passport to verify their age.

3. 參賽者所填之數據必須屬實。如有違規者,其參賽資格將被取消。

Contestants should not give any inaccurate or misleading information. Otherwise, the application will be disqualified.

4. 對於評審委員會做出之最終比賽結果,參賽者不得提出異議。

Decision made by panel judges is final and should not be disputed.

5. 參賽者可同時選擇報名多個組別之賽事,但必需清楚地在同一表格上選擇參加之組別,並在【報名費】一欄填寫金額總數。

Contestants may enter more than one class. They must state clearly the classes on the same form and fill in the total amount of entry fees.

6. 參賽者已繳納之報名費將不予退還,亦不得轉讓他人或作另一項比賽用。

Entry fees are not refundable or transferable.

7. 參賽者必須彈奏填報的樂曲,一經報名,參賽樂曲不能作任何更改,否則參賽者將不獲評分。

Contestants must perform the piece(s) as stated in the entry form. no substitution,Otherwise the performance will not be marked.

8. 如參賽者的演奏超過規定時限,評審委員會有權叫停其演奏。

Performance exceeding the specified time may be terminated.

9. 參賽者必須於比賽開始前15分鐘之內到達比賽場地,辦理登記手續。

Contestants are required to arrive at the competition venue 15 minutes prior to the competition start.

10. 組委會在有必要時可將比賽時間調動,參賽者不得異議。

The competition committee could alter the time of competition when is required. Contestants could not object to the change.

11. 如參賽水準不達評審標準,主辦單位有權保留獎項不予頒發。

If the performances are not up to the required,the Organizing Committee can withhold the prizes Accordingly.

II. 適用於中國大陸選手

For China Mainland contestants only

1. 選手需先參加所在省份組織的初賽,如當地沒有初賽,可通過遞交視頻光碟至大賽組委會進行初賽,具體內容可諮詢本會中國大陸辦事處。

All contestants should participate in preliminary round competition in their province, if there is no local preliminary competition, contestants should submit their DVD of performance to the committee as preliminary round basis. Specifics can consult Mainland office of Asia Musicians Association.

2. 請填妥報名表格、身份證明文件副本、報名費連同本人演奏視頻光碟於2018年11月20日前遞交至亞洲音樂家協會內地辦事處。大賽組委會將於 12月10日前公佈進入決賽名單。

Contestants should submit the entry form, photocopy of identity document, entry fee and DVD of performance to Asia Musicians Association mainland office before Nov 20, 2018. The list for the final round should be announced before Dec 10, 2018.








Tags:邀请赛 香港 章程 赛事 钢琴 国际


